PHIL 15 - Major World Religions



Course Outline


Days: TTh

 Times: 11:00am - 12:30pm

Location: Building 26D, Room 2044


Professor: Charles T. McGruder, Ph.D.

 Office: Building 26B, Room 2551K

Office Hours: MWTTh 8:45am - 9:45am

Telephone: (909) 274-4595


Web Address:



 Religions of the World 8th edition by Lewis M. Hopfe


Writing, Meditate, Cultural Differences

Enchanted Land


Course Description

An examination of the salient features of the world’s major and enduring religions. Religion is approached as the expression of man’s ultimate concern as a means of understanding the historic and ideological foundations and aspirations of the peoples of the world. The following religions are presented and examined both appreciatively and critically Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, Shintoism, Judaism, Christianity and Islam.



The purpose of this course is to "do philosophy." Wonder is central to philosophy, not only as the starting point but also as a principle and foundation from which everything else proceeds. Philosophy is radicalization of wonder in all directions. But radicalization is a slow process and we are obliged to work the same ground over and over again. Only in this way can the process continue and only thus can it realize its total potential.

To do philosophy is to conscientiously immerse ourselves in the process and product of seeking meaning in the world. Our primary concern is for the personal dimension which plays/works in the creation and criticism of all claims to knowledge and understanding. We will use "content" and "information" however; our concern is the context for transformation.


An enhanced self/social understanding

An enhanced capacity to be philosophical – to grapple with issues in religion and

Other dimensions of experience a disciplined engagement with contemporary

Themes and issues in religion

An enlargement of communication and critical thinking skills use of visual/analytical methods





 I run a straight point system. You can compute your grade at anytime by dividing your points earned by the total points possible.



 Attendance is mandatory in all my classes.




The deadline to withdraw from the Spring Semester is March 22. It is your responsibility to drop the class; I will not do it for you.


Make up policy

No make ups allowed. I will accept work early, but not late.


Cheating and Plagiarism




             Discussion Topic and Reading

Jan 8 T

  Introduction – Goals and Assignments

            participant/observer role 

Read: Introduction/Overview

10 TH 

A Definition of Religion 

Read: Basic Religions

15 T

  Basic Religions

Read: Basic Religions


17 TH

  Basic Religions 

Read: Native American Religions

22 T 

Native American Religions

Read:African Religions

24 TH 

African Religions 

Read: Religions Originating in India

29 T

Hinduism, origins & The Vedic Area

Read: Hinduism; Postclassical & Modern

31 TH


Read:Jainism; Jain Sects & Festivals & Today

Feb 5


Read: Buddhism; The Life of Gauntama & Teachings



Read: Development & Theravada



  Read: Buddhism;


Buddhism; Mahayana & Teachings

Read: Sikhism



Read: Religions Originating In China and Japan


Chinese Religion; Basic Concepts & Taoism


  Chinese Religions

Read: Chinese Religions; Confucianism


  Religions Originating 

In China and Japan

Read: Shinto



Read: Religions Originating In the Middle East



Read: Judaism; Sinai, Post, & Religion



Read: Judaism; Exile, Diaspora, & Medieval



Read: Judaism; Modern, Festivals, & Today



Read: Christianity; World, Life, & Early



Read: Christianity Growth, Medieval, & Protestant Reformation



Read: Islam; Pre-, Life, & The Qur’an



Read: Islam; Institutions, Spread, & Caliphate



Read: Bahai



Read: Calendar & Today






Last Updated: 10/19/22