An Oriental View of Cultural Differences


 EAST                                                                                     WEST



We live in time.-------------------------------   You live in space.

We are always at rest. -------------------    You are always on the move.

We are passive.---------------------------------You are aggressive.

We like to contemplate.---------------------You like to act.

We accept the world as it is. ------------ You try to change it according to your blue print.

We live in peace with Nature.------------You try to impose your will on her.

Religion is our first love.--------------------Science is your passion.

We delight to think about the meaning of life.----- You delight in physics.

We believe in freedom of silence.-----  You believe in freedom of speech.

We lapse in to meditation.-----------------You strive for articulation.

We marry first, then we love.------------You love first, then marry.

Our marriage is the beginning of a love affair.--------Your marriage is the happy end of a romance.

It is an indissoluble bond.------------------It is the contract.

Our love is mute.------------------------------Your love is vocal.

We try to conceal it from the world.--You delight in showing it to others.

Self-abnegation is the secret of survival.---Self-assertiveness is the key to your success.

We are taught from the cradle to want less and less.--You are urged every day to want more and more.

We glorify austerity and renunciation.-------You emphasize gracious living and enjoyment.

Poverty is to us a badge of spiritual elevation.-----It is to you a sign of degradation.

In the sunset years of life, we renounce the--------You retire to enjoy the fruits of your labor.

world and prepare for the hereafter.


Ed. Note: By request, we share the above excerpt from Dr. Mai Van Tranq’s San Jose Conference luncheon address.




Last Updated: 10/19/22