Philosophy of the Social Sciences





Readings in Philosophy of Science, 1953

(parts VI and VII)

 Feigl, H. and Brodbeck, M. editors,

On the Philosophy of the Social Sciences


May Brodbeck

Philosophy of Science,

Vol. 21, No. 2 (Apr., 1954), pp. 140-156



The Counter Revolution of Science

 by F. J. Hayek, 1955


The Poverty of Historicism

by Karl Popper,1957


Studies in Philosophical Psychology

Rutledge & Kegan Paul Series:


The Concept of Motivation

by R. S. Peters, 1958


The Idea of a Social Science

by Peter Winch, 1958


Free Action

by I. A. Melden, 1961

Studies in Philosophical Psychology


Personal Knowledge:

Toward a Post-Critical Philosophy

by Michael Polanyi, 1958

(This is a general work in the Philosophy of Science

but its themes bear on Human Concerns)


Theories of History

Edited by Patrick Gardiner, 1959

(see 'Historical Explanation in the Social Sciences' pp. 503)


The Logic of the Humanities

by Ernest Cassirer, 1960


The Broken Image:

Man, Science, and Society

by Floyd W. Matson, 1964


The Sciences and The Humanities:

Conflict and Reconciliation

by W. T. Jones, 1965


Philosophy of Social Science

by Richard S. Rudner, 1966

Foundations of Philosophy Series


Explanation and Human Action

by A. R. Louch, 1966


The Philosophy of Action

Edited by Alan R. White, 1968


Readings in the Philosophy of the Social Sciences

Edited by May Brodbeck, , 1968

Oxford Readings in Philosophy


Philosophical Analysis and History

Edited by William H. Dray, 1970

(see essays by Berlin, Hempel, Donagan, Hart and Honore, and Scriven)


Explanation and Understanding

By Georg Henrik von Wright, 1971











Last Updated: 10/19/22