Philosophy of Education




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Plato Republic

Translated from the New Standard Greek Text

with Introduction

By C. D. C. Reeve, 2002



 On Statecraft

BOOK VIII: Education


Jean-Jacques Rousseau



On Education

Introduction, Translation, and Notes

by Allan Bloom, 1979


Alfred Whitehead

 The Aims of Education:

and other essays, 1929/57/67


Jose Ortega y Gasset

Mission of the University, 1934


 John Dewey

 Democracy and Education:

An Introduction to the Philosophy of Education, 1916/1969

Experience and Education, 1967


Unpopular Essays

12 Adventures in Argument

by Bertrand Russell, 1950/2009

See Chapter 2: Philosophy for Laymen


J. Krishnamurti

 Education and the Significance of Life, 1953

The Only Revolution

Edited by Mary Lutyens, 1970


Jerome S. Bruner

 The Process of Education, 1960


Francesco Cordasco

 A Brief History of Education:

A Handbook of Information on

 Greek, Roman, Medieval, Renaissance,

and Modern Educational Practice, 1963/1976


Warren Bryan Martin

 Alternative to Irrelevance:

A Strategy for Reform in Higher Education, 1968


Ivan Illich

 Deschooling Society, 1971


Robert Paul Wolff

 The Ideal of the University, 1970


Ivan Illich, et. al.

 After Deschooling What?

Edited by Alan Gartner, Colin Greer, Frank Riessman, 1973


J. Glen Gray

 The Promise of Wisdom:

 A Philosophical Theory of Education, 1972


R. S. Peters

 The Philosophy of Education, 1973


Language and Public Policy

Hugh Rank, editor NCTE Committee on Public Doublespeak, 1974

National Council of Teachers of English 


John L. Elias

Conscientization and Deschooling:

Freire's and Illich's Proposals

for Reshaping Society, 1976


Allan Bloom

 The Closing of the American Mind:

How Higher Education Has Failed Democracy

 and Impoverished the Souls of Today's Students, 1987


Conscious Education:

The Bridge to Freedom, 1992

By Philip S. Gang, Ph.D. 

Nina Meyerhof Lynn, Ed.D.

Dorthy J. Maver, Ph.D.


 Tinkering Toward Utopia:

A Century of Public School Reform

by David Tyack and Larry Cuban, 1995


Steven M. Cahn

Readings in the Philosophy of Education, 1997

Table of Contents

Part I

Classic Theories

1. Plato Meno

 Protagoras (selections)

The Republic (selections)

2. Aristotle Nicomachean Ethics (selections)

Politics (selections)

3. John Locke Some Thoughts Concerning Education

4. Jean Jacques Rousseau Emile (selections)

5. Immanuel Kant Thoughts on Education (selections)

6. John Stuart Mill Inaugral Address at St. Andrews

7. Alfred North Whitehead The Aims of Education

and Other Essays (selections)

8. John Dewey The Child and the Curriculum

Democracy and Education (selections)

Experience and Education


Part II

Contemporary Issues

A. Schools

9. A. S. Neill Summerhill (selections)

10. Kieran Egan Open Education: Open to What?

11. Michael Walzer Spheres of Justice (selections)

12. Amy Gutman Democratic Education (selections)

13. Israel Scheffler Moral Education and the Democratic Ideal

B. Teaching

14. Paul H. Hirst What is Teaching?

15. Jacques Maritain Education at the Crossroads (selections)

16. Poulo Freire Pedagogy of the Oppressed (selections)

17. Nel Noddings Caring (selections)

18. Gareth B. Matthews The Philosophy of Childhood (selections)

C. Curriculum

19. Sidney Hook Education for Modern Man (selections)

20. Jane Roland Martin Two Dogmas of Curriculum

21. Maxine Green The Passion of Pluralism:

Multiculturalism and the Expanding Community

22. Richard Rorty Hermeneutics, General Studies, and Teaching

23. John R. Searle Traditionalist and Their Challengers

24. William Theodore de Bary Asia in the Core Curriculum


The Language POLICE

How pressure Groups Restrict What Students Learn

by Diane Ravitch, 2003


The Death and Life of the Great American School System:

How Testing and Choice Are Undermining Education

by Diane Ravitch, 2010


See Los Angeles Times Sunday, February 28, 2010

Book Review - About-face on school reform


Excellence Without A Soul:

Does Liberal Education Have a Future?

By Harry Lewis, 2014


Excellent Sheep:

The Miseducation of


American Elite


The Way to a

Meaningful Life

By William Deresiewicz, 2014


Equality for Contingent Faculty

Overcoming the Two-Tier System

Edited by Keith Hoeller, 2014


In Defence of a Liberal Education

by Fareed Zaharia, 2015


The Case against Education:

Why the Education System is a Waste of Time andf Money

by Bryan Caplan, 2018


In Search of deeper Learning:

The Quest to Remake the American High School

by Jal Mehta and Sarah Fine, 2019


The Education of an Idealist:

A Memoir

by Samanths Power, 2019




Bloom's Wheel of Development














Last Updated: 10/19/22