Course Outline
Times:9:45 am - 11:10 am
Location: Building 26D, Room 2240
Professor: Charles T. McGruder, Ph.D.
Office: Building 26D, Room 2481E
Office Hours: MTWTh, 8:45 - 9:45 am
Telephone: (909) 274-4595
Web Address:
Socrates to Sartre and Beyond:
A History of Philosophy
by Stumpf & Fieser
Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL 1 A
Course Description
Examines the major western philosophers and philosophical ideas from
Pre-Socratic times to the Renaissance.
This course will provide a good foundation for PHIL 20B Modern,
which continues the History of Western Philosophy from
the Renaissance to the Twentieth Century.
An enhanced self/social understanding.
A disciplined exploration of historical themes and issues in western philosophy.
Enlargement of communication and critical thinking skills.
Oral Presentations & Research
Individual or group presentations based on research will be a part of the Final Exam.
Outlines are required and must include a bibliography with a minimum of 5 sources.
90% = A, 80% = B, 70% = C, 60% = D
70% of grade is written assignments (study sheets);
30% of grade is the Final Exam (including oral presentation)
Attendance Policy
Attendance is mandatory in all my classes.
The deadline to withdraw from the Fall Semester is Friday,
It is your responsibility to drop the class.
I will drop you for lack of attendance or work.
Make up Policy
No make ups allowed except for emergencies.
I will accept assignments early, but not late.
Calendar Course Outline
Week Date Day Discussion Topic and Reading
1 Aug. 26 T Introduction to History - Socrates' Predecessors
Read: Chapter 1: Socrates' Predecessors
What is Permanent in Existence?
28 Th Chapter 1: Thales, Anaximander, Anaximenes
2 Sept. 2 T Chapter 1: Pythagoras; Attempts to explain change: Heraclitus
4 Th Chapter 1: Attempts to explain change: Parmenides,
Zeno, Empedocles, Anaxagoras; The Atomists
Read: Chapter 2: The Sophists and Socrates
3 9 T Chapter 2: Protagoras, Gorias, and Thrasymachus
11 Th Chapter 2: Socrates' Life as a Philosopher; Glossary Quiz!
4 16 T Chapter 2: Socrates' Theory of Knowledge; Moral thought;
Trial and Death
Read: Chapter 3: Plato
18 Th Chapter 3: Plato's Life; Theory of Knowledge
5 23 T Chapter 3: Plato - Moral Philosophy
25 Th Chapter 3: Plato - Political Philosophy
6 30 T Chapter 3: Plato - View of the Cosmos;
Study Sheet Due!
Read: Chapter 4: Aristotle
Oct. 2 Th Chapter 4: Aristotle's Life; Logic
7 7 T Aristotle - Metaphysics
9 Th Aristotle - The Place of Humans; Ethics
8 14 T Aristotle - Politics; Philosophy of Art;
Study Sheet Due!
Read: Chapter 5: Classical Philosophy After Aristotle
16 Th Chapter 5: Classical Philosophy After Aristotle; Epicurureanism
9 21 T Stoicism
23 Th Skepticism; What is History Essay Due!
10 28 T Plotinus
Read: Chapter 6: Augustine
30 Th Augustine's Life; Human Knowledge
11 Nov. 4 T Augustine - God; The Created World
6 Th Augustine - Moral Philosophy; Justice
Read: Chapter 7: Philosophy in the Early Middle Ages
12 11 T Chapter 7: Boethius; Pseudo-Dionysus
13 Th Erigena; New Solutions to the Problem of Universals
13 18 T Anselm's Ontological Argument; Faith and Reason
Read: Chapter 8: Aquinas and his Late Medieval Successors
20 Th Chapter 8: Aquinas; Philosophy and Theology
14 25 T Chapter 8: Proofs of God's Existence;
Knowledge of God's Nature
27 Th Thanksgiving Holiday!
15 Dec. 2 T Chapter 8: Creation; Morality and Natural Law
4 Th The State; Human Nature and Knowledge
16 9 T Scotus, Ockham, Mysticism
Proofs of God’s Existence – Paper due!
11 T Final Exam
Last Updated: 10/19/22 |