Unlocking James Joyce's Masterwork
by Joseph Campbell and Henry Morton Robinson, 1944
Before Philosophy:
The Intellectual Adventure of Ancient Man
By Henri Frankfort, Mrs. H. A. Frankfort,
John A. Wilson, Thorkild Jacobsen, 1946/49
Language and Myth
by Ernst Cassirer
Translated by Susanne K. Langer, 1953
The Sacred & The Profane:
The Nature of Religion
The signifiance of regligious
myth, symbolism, and ritual
within life and culture
by Mir cea Eliade, 1957
Putnam's Concise Mythological Dictionary
by Joseph Kaster, 1963
Greek Plays:
In Modern Translation
Edited with an Introduction
by Dudley Fitts, 1964
Great Classical Myths
Edited, and with an Introduction
by F. R. B. Godolphin, 1964
The Masks of God:
Primitive Mythology
by Joseph Campbell, 1959
The Masks of God:
Oriental Mythology
by Joseph Campbell, 1963
The Masks of God:
Occidental Mythology
by Joseph Campbell, 1965
The Masks of God:
Creative Mythology
by Joseph Campbell
Myths to Live By
by Joseph Campbell, 1973
The Portable Arabian Nights
by Joseph Campbell, 19
The Hero with a Thousand Faces
by Joseph Campbell, 1973
The Inner Reaches of Outer Space:
Metaphor as Myth and as Religion, 1986
The Power of Myth
by Joseph Campbell with Bill Moyers, 1988
Myths and Folklore:
An Anthology for High School Students
by Henery I. Christ, 1968
Timeless Tales of Gods and Heroes
by Edith Hamilton, 1969
Myth and Reality
by Mircea Eliade, 1968
The Veil of Allegory:
Some notes toward
A Theory of Allegorical Rhetoric in the English Renaissance
by Michael Murrin, 1969
The Theory of a Symbolic Mode
by Angus Fletcher, 1970
Allegory is written with four levels of meaning in mind.
That is why you can reread the works many times
and discover meanings missed.
Myths, Models, and Paradigms:
A Comparative Study in Science and Religion
by Ian G. Barbour, 1974
Mythology and Humanism:
The Correspondence of Thomas Mann and Karl Kerenyi, 1975
An Outline of Classical Mythology
by Robert E. Wolverton, 1975
Guide of Souls
by Karl Kerenyi, 1976
The Greek Myths:
1 and 2
by Robert Graves, 1977
Greek Gods and Heroes:
For Young Readers
by Robert Graves, 2018
Lost Goddesses of Early Greece:
A Collection of Pre-Hellenic Myths
by Charlene Spretnak, 1978
Greek Myths
by Lucilla Burn, 1998
Last Updated: 10/19/22 |