





Mysticism and Logic, 1918

 (article by Bertrand Russell)


Practical Mysticism

by Evelyn Underhill, 1942


The Seven Story Mountain

by Thomas Merton, 1948


Mysticism East and West

by Rudolf Otto, 1960

A discussion of the nature of mysticism,

 focusing on the similarities and differences of its two principal types.


The Idea of the Holy

by Rudolf Otto, 1973

An Inquiry into the non-rational factor in the idea of the divine

and its relation to the rational.


Mysticism and Philosophy

by W. T. Stace, 1960


The Teaching of the Mystics

by W. T. Stace, 1960

Selections from the great mystics and mystical writings of the world,

 edited with an introduction, interpretative commentaries, and explanations. 


Mystics and Zen Masters

by Thomas Merton, 1961/67


Mystical Experience

by Ben-Ami Scharfstein, 1973



A Study and an Anthology

 by F. C. Happold, 1973


Mysticism and Morality:

Oriental Thought and Moral Philosophy

by Arthur C. Danto, 1972





Altered States of Consciousness

Edited by Charles T. Tart, 1969/72

See Chapter 4: Introduction to Meditation


How to Meditate:

 A Guide to Self-discovery

by Lawrence LeShan, 1975


How to Meditate:

 A Practical Guide

by Kathleen McDonald, 1984


The Art of Living Consciously

by Nathaniel Branden, 1999


Pointing out the Great Way:

 The stages of meditation in the mahamudra tradition

by Daniel P. Brown, 2006


Also, see Philosophy of Religion bibliography.








Last Updated: 10/19/22