McGruder's Logic Glossary


Chapter 1 - Basic Concepts

Argument - a collection of statements, in which at least one functions as a premise, and at least one functions as a conclusion.

Statement/ Proposition - that which is asserted and is either true or false.

Truth Value - a statement is said to carry a truth value, it is either true or false.

Premise - a statement in an argument that is said to give evidence for or support for another statement in the argument, called a conclusion.

Conclusion - a statement in an argument that is said to be derived or inferred from some other statement in the argument, called a premise.

Inference - the process of thought by which one draws conclusions from premises.

Deductive Argument - the premises are intended to offer necessary grounds for the truth of the conclusion and the conclusion does not go beyond the information contained in the premises.

Valid Argument - a deductive argument where it is impossible for the premises to be true and the conclusion false.

Sound Argument - a valid deductive argument with true premises.

Necessary - a circumstance in whose absence a specified event can not occur.

Sufficient - a circumstance in whose presence a specified event must occur.

Inductive Argument - the premises are intended to offer probable grounds for the truth of the conclusion and the conclusion goes beyond the information contained in the premises.

Cogent Argument - a strong inductive argument with true premises.

Logic - the clarification of the meaning of the language (McGruder's broad definition).

Logic - the organized body of knowledge, or art/science, that evaluates arguments (Textbook's narrow definition).

Logic - the science of necessary inference (Quine's).

Analysis - the process of breaking a argument/concept down into more simple parts, so that its logical srtructure is displayed.

Critical Thinking - the assesments of strengths and weakness of anything.


Chapter 2 - Language: Meaning and Definition

Term - is any word or arrangement of words that may serve as the subject of a statement.

Intension - the attributes or characteristics of the objects in a word's or term's extension (same as connotation).

Increasing Intension - when the number of attributes needed in order to be included in a set are increased, thus reducing the number of objects in that set.

Connotation - the attributes or characteristics of the object denoted.

Denotation - that which a word or term refers to; the actual things referred to.

Extension - the set of all and only these objects referred to (same as denotation but more precise).

Empty Extension - a term that has meaning but denotes nothing. Examples: Apollo, Dionysus, Hermes, Zeus, unicorn, elf.

Ambiguous - when a word or phrase has more than one meaning and the context in which it is being used does not make clear which meaning is intended.

Vague - although the meaning of the word or phrase is known, it is not clear if it can be applied in a given instance.

Values - assessments of worth.


Chapter 3 - Informal Fallacies

Fallacy - (in general) is a defect in an argument that consist in something other than false premises.

Formal Fallacy - (deductive)  is one that may be identified by merely examining the form or structure of an argument.

Informal Fallacies - (inductive) are those that can be detected only by examining the content of the argument.


Chapter 6 - Propositional Logic

Not the Case That - the opposite truth value.

And - both.

Or - one or the other or both, but not neither.

If/Then - the antecedent is sufficient for the consequent.

If and Only If - equivalence.

Some - at least one.

Necessary - a circumstance in whose absence a specified event can not occur.

Sufficient - a circumstance in whose presence a specified event must occur.











Last Updated: 10/19/22