

Regan, John


An unpublished manuscript,

Claremont Graduate University


 Abrams, Roger D. and Troike, Rudolph C., ed.

Language and Cultural Diversity in American Education, 1972


Carroll, John B.

Language and Thought, 1946


Cassirer, Ernst

The Philosophy of Symbolic Forums

Vol. 1: Language


Cazden, Cortney; John; Vera; Hymes, John

Functions of Language in the Classroom, 1972


Giglioli, Paolo, ed.

Language and Social Context, 1976


Lyons, John, ed.

New Horizons in Linguistics, 1973


Spair, Edward

Culture, Language and Personality, 1949


Vygotsky, L. S.

Thought and Language, 1969


Whorf, Benjamin Lee

Language, Thought and Reality, 1962


Children and Oral Language

A joint statement of the Association for Childhood Education International,

Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, International Reading

Association, National Council of Teachers of English

Helen K. MacKintosh editorial chairman, 1964


Wilkinson, A. M.

Spoken English

with contributions


 Alan Davies and Dorthy Atkinson,

 Educational Review Occasional Publication No. 2, February 1965


Wilkinson, A. M.

The Context of Language

Educational Review No. 23, June 1971



Learning how to mean

Halliday, M. A. K., 1975



Language and Public Policy

Hugh Rank, editor NCTE Committee on Public Doublespeak, 1974

National Council of Teachers of English 


Readings In Classical Rhetoric

By Thomas W. Benson and Michael H. Prosser, 1988



From "Revenue Enhancement" to "Terminal Living"

How Government, Business, Advertisers, and

Others Use Language to Deceive You

by William Lutz, 1989/2015


The Pun Also Rises

How the Humble Pun

Revolutionzed Language,

Changed History,

and Made Wordplay More

Than Some Antics

by John Pollack, 2012


Shakespeare’s Wordplay 

by  M. M. Manhood, 1957/68/79




Last Updated: 10/19/22