A Dictionary of Symbols
by J. E. Cirlot, 1962
The Philosophy of Symbolic Forms
Volume 1: Language
by Ernst Cassirer, 1955
The Sacred and the Profane:
The Nature of Religion
The significance of religious myth, symbolism,
and ritual within life and culture
by Mircea Eliade, 1957/87
Symbols and Civilization:
Science, Morals, Religion, Art
by Ralph Ross, 1962
The Symbolic and the Real
by Ira Progoff, 1963
Symbols in Society
by Hugh Dalziel Duncan, 1968
The Burning Fountain:
A Study in the Language of Symbolism
by Philip Wheelwright, 1968
Metaphor and Reality
by Philip Wheelwright, 1973
The Language Anamial
The Full Shape of the Human Linguistic Capacity
by Charles Taylor, 2016
Last Updated: 10/19/22 |