Discuss each of the following disputes. If it is obviously genuine (fact), indicate each of the disputers’ positions with respect to the proposition at issue. If it is merely verbal (definition), resolve it by explaining the different senses attached by the disputers to the key word or phrase that is used ambiguously. If it is an apparently verbal (attitude) dispute that is really genuine, locate the ambiguity and explain the real disagreement involved.
1. Daye: Pete Rose was the greatest hitter in the history of baseball. His lifetime
batting average is higher than any other major league player’s.
Knight: No, Hank Aaron deserves that title. He hit more home runs than any other
major league player.
2. Daye: Despite their great age, the plays of Sophocles are enormously relevant
today. They deal with eternally recurring problems and values such as
love and sacrifice, the conflict of generations, life and death, as central today
as they were over two thousand years ago.
Knight: I don’t agree with you at all. Sophocles has nothing to say about pressing and
immediate issues of our time: inflation, unemployment, the population
explosion, and the energy crisis. His plays have no relevance for today.
3. Daye: Bob Jones is certainly a wonderful father to his children. He provides a
beautiful home in a fine neighborhood, buys them everything they need or
want, and has made ample provision for their education.
Knight: I don’t think Bob Jones is a good father at all. He is so busy getting and
spending that he has no time to be with his children. They hardly know
him except as somebody who pays the bills.
4. Daye: Amalgamated General Corporation’s earnings were higher than ever last
year, I see by reading their annual report.
Knight: No, their earnings were really much lower than in the preceding year, and they
have been cited by the SEC for issuing a false and misleading report.
5. Daye: Business continues to be good for National Conglomerate, Inc. Their sales so
far this year are 25 percent higher than they were at this time last year.
Knight: No, their business is not so good now. Their profits so far this year are 30
percent lower than they were last year at this time.
6. Daye: Ann is an excellent student. She takes a lively interest in everything and asks
very intelligent questions in class.
Knight: Ann is one of the worst students I’ve ever seen. She never gets her
assignments in on time.
7. Daye: Tom did it of his own free will. No pressure was brought to bear on him, no
threats were made, no inducements were offered, there was no hint of force.
He deliberated about it and made up his own mind.
Knight: That is impossible. Nobody has free will, because everything anyone does is
inevitably determined by heredity and environment according to inexorable
causal laws of nature.
8. Daye: Professor Graybeard is one of the most productive scholars at the university.
His bibliography of publications is longer than those of any of his colleagues.
Knight: I wouldn’t call him a productive scholar. He is a great teacher, but he has
never produced any new ideas or discoveries in his entire career.
9. Daye: Betty finally got rid of that old Essex of hers and bought herself a new car.
She’s driving a Buick now.
Knight: No, Betty didn’t buy herself a new car. That Buick is a good three years old.
10. Daye: Dick finally got rid of that old Edsel of his and bought himself a new car.
He’s driving a new Pontiac now.
Knight: No, Dick didn’t buy himself a new car. It’s his roommate’s new Pontiac that
he’s driving.
11. Daye: Helen lives a long way from campus. I walked out to see her the other day,
and it took me nearly two hours to get there.
Knight: No, Helen doesn’t live such a long way from campus. I drove her home last
night, and we reached her place in less than ten minutes.
12. Daye: Senator Gray is a fine man and a genuine liberal. He votes for every
progressive measure that comes before the legislature.
Knight: He is no liberal, in my opinion--the old skinflint contributes less money to
worthy causes than any other man in his income bracket.
13. Daye: The University of Winnemac overemphasizes athletics, for it has the largest
college stadium in the world and has constructed new sports building instead
of badly needed classroom space.
Knight: No, the University of Winnemac does not overemphasize athletics. Its
academic standards are very high, and it sponsors a wide range of extra-
curricular activities for students in addition to its athletic program.
14. Daye: It was in bad taste to serve roast beef at the banquet. There were Hindus
present, and it is against their religion to eat beef.
Knight: Bad taste nothing! That was the tastiest meal I’ve had in a long time. I think
it was delicious!
15. Daye: There are less than 8 million unemployed persons in this country, according to
the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Knight: Oh no, there are over fifteen times that number of unemployed. The
President’s Economic Report states that there are 100 million employed
in this country, and the Census Bureau reports a total population of over
230 million, so the government’s figures reveal that there are over 130 million
unemployed persons in this country.
16. Daye: The average intelligence of college graduates is higher than that of college
freshmen, because it takes more intelligence to graduate from college than
to be admitted to college.
Knight: No, the average intelligence of college graduates is not higher than that of
college freshmen, because every college graduate was once a college
freshman and a person’s intelligence does not change from year to year.
17. Daye: A tree falling in a wilderness with nobody around to hear will produce no
sound. There can be no auditory sensation unless someone actually senses it.
Knight: No, whether anyone is there to hear it or not, the crash of a falling tree will
set up vibrations in the air and will therefore produce a sound in any event.
18. Daye: I see by the financial pages that money is much more plentiful than it was
six months ago.
Knight: That can’t be true. I read a government report just yesterday to the effect
that more old currency has been destroyed at the mint during the last half
year than has been replaced. Money is therefore less plentiful, not more so.
19. Daye: Mr. Green is a real Christian. He speaks well of everyone and is never too
busy to give friendly assistance to anyone who is in need.
Knight: I wouldn’t call Green a Christian. He spends his Sundays working in his yard
or playing out on the golf course, never showing his face in church from one
end of the year to the other!
20. Daye: Don’t ask your wife about it. You ought to use your own judgment.
Knight: I will use my own judgment, and in my judgment I should ask my wife.
Merely verbal (definition) disputes are numbers: 1, 5, 8, 9, 11, 14, 17, 18.
Apparently verbal (attitude) disputes are: 2, 3, 6, 7, 12, 13, 16, 19, 20.
Remember the Apparently verbal seems like it is Merely verbal, but the
dispute is about different attitudes not the definition/meaning of a word.
Last Updated: 10/19/22 |